Q. How long does it take for buyers to start coming in?

A. A lot of times we get orders started within the first day but at other times it may take 3-4 days to start up.

Q. How long does it take for an order to be delivered?

A. We like to get all orders delivered within 2 weeks but most of the time it can just take 2-3 days.

Q. How is your traffic generated?

A. We have publishers who run traffic for us within many different niches who use various traffic sources. (email, banner & social is what they use)

Q. Are these buyers incentivized to sign up?

A. NO. We do not allow any incent traffic on our network at all.

Q. What do we do after we purchase from you?

A. You would need to send us your checkout page and add a simple tracking pixel on the thank you page which we will explain to you after you purchase. Just takes about 2 minutes.

Q. Do I get a login to monitor or pause my order?

A. No, unfortunetly we do not have a system where you can login and check your order but you should be able to see everything within your backoffice and manage from there.

Q. What if a user cancels after they purchase?

A. We can not control what happens to the buyers after they come into your system. All we can do is send them to that checkout page to order and it would be up to you to keep them, upgrade them or anything else as that is out of our control.

Q. Do you have access to our buyers as well?

A. NO. We do not have access to your buyers or your data. We only have access to the traffic that sent them there.

Q. Ok now how do I get started?

A. Simply go in and purchase the package that fits your needs and send us your link, add the pixel and we take it from there.

Q. Do I need to place a pixel on my page?

A. No pixels are already placed currently so you do not have to place any pixels anymore.

Q. Is this for the $1 trial member or someone who upgrades to a bigger package?

A. We can't guarantee that anyone joins anything else within the program so once they become $1 trial members we no longer have control of what they do and it is your responsibility to get them to upgrade or even stick around.

Q. What is the typical upgrade rate to the higher packages?

A. We do not really have much data to give an exact number but most of our leaders who are purchasing traffic are saying close to 10% but we can not guarantee that as we have no control.

Q. Ok now I got my buyers from you guys, what should I do?

A. Well for best practices I would suggest you contact them anyway possible. If you can call, email, text message or even FB message them and start building a relationship with your member. Also it's crucial to contact your member and have them get in contact with their coach. The coaches are the magic with Digital Altitude so make sure they speak to them.

Q. Someone you sent refunded their order. Do you replace those?

A. No. We have no control of your $1 members when they come in. It's up to you to convert your trial members to stay on in your business.

Q. What's the difference in the click packages, lead packages and the buyer packages

A. Let me break this down for you

Click Packages: You send us a landing page, video sales letter or any page that you choose to and we simply run traffic directly to your page. Since we sell you just clicks there is no guarantee how many leads or buyers you get. Some people with optin pages that perform higher than others choose click packages because they can get a lot more leads and turn those leads into buyers.

Lead Packages: Here you give us you optin page and you place a pixel on your page. We will run traffic to your page UNTIL that traffic turns into leads. So if you buy 100 leads you are guaranteed to get 100 leads.

Buyer Packages: This currently is ONLY for digital altitude and with this you do not get any leads as we use our capture pages and our video sales letter and we just run traffic directly to your checkout page.

Affiliate FAQ

Q. Do you have an affiliate program?

A. Yes we do. As soon as you purchase from us you will automatically be added as an affiliate. In order to promote our package you must purchase a package.

Q. What is the affiliate commission I would receive?

A. You will get 10% of your buyers sale towards traffic on any of your orders.

Q. Do you payout on your affiliate program?

A. We do payout but we pay out in traffic. Example: If you sale a $5500.00 packages you will have $550 in credit towards any package that you choose. So if you purchase a $650.00 package you can use your credit of $550.00 and your total cost will only be $100.00.

Q. Does your affiliate program payout cash?

A. No we ONLY give out the affiliate commissions you generate towards your buyer packages.

Q. When can I start using my credits towards my buyer packages?

A. You can use you credits after 2 weeks of the purchase being made.

Q. What if that person refunds?

A. If a refund is made than all credits will be taken from the referring affiliate. If we don't keep the sale than we obviously can't payout on it.

Q. I referred someone from my link but it seems like they didn't purchase using my link. Can I still get credit for this?

A. No! They MUST use your link in order for our system to track. If someone doesn't use your link than you will simply lose that commission.